Your custom website needs to look good AND work for you...it NEEDS TO ATTRACT YOUR IDEAL CLIENT through the use of SEO optimization!
This is where I'm different than 99% of the other website designers out there. Not only do I create beautiful websites, but I also understand SEO, and I implement SEO in every aspect of your website design. This makes your site searchable on Google and helps your business grow organically.
And NOPE... I don't only work with fitness and nutrition coaches...I work with ALL small businesses! Health and fitness just happens to be my forte! I've worked with hair salons, boat brokers, construction real estate teams, and in-person fitness studios just to name a few!

I've got it ALL covered! All you have to do is share with me what you would like on your website and I turn it into a work of art! One that represents your brand and attracks your ideal client!
Backend Automation
Tech Connection
Everything that might stress you out about your website...I've got it covered!
Many coaches that I work with feel overwhelmed, they hate tech, and they feel like their business is a mess! I'll take everything and help you organize, steamline, and automate your business!
It's one thing to have a gorgious website...it's another thing to have your website working for you!
That's where SEO comes into play. Far too many designers out there don't truely understand the importance of SEO or even how to implament it into a website. But that's where I'm different, SEO is my jam and I build it into every aspect of your site!
SEO Optimized Images
SEO Optimized Content
SEO Optimized Meta Data
Optimized for Mobile
Whether you choose to work with me or not, PLEASE make sure your designer truly understands SEO!
Because ALL your systems need to talk to each other!
Email Marketing
Training App
Membership Portal
Scheduling System
All your systems should communicate with each other helping your business run as streamlined and automated as possible!
No matter what systems you're using I will connect and automate as much of your business as possible.
During the build out of your site I will also connect to:
Your Custom Domain
Google Search Console
Google Analytics
I'm here for you every step of the way....even after your website build out is complete!
Let's start with, what happens immediately afrer your website is design done!
A Live 90 Minute Call with me to review your entire site.
During this call you will have the opportunity to work within your site with me guiding you along the way!
My goal is that every single one of my clients feels confident working in their site when I'm done.
And of course continued access to me to ask questions about anything to do with your site!
Tap images to see full size!
You want a website that looks polished and professional... BUT you know that you're not the best at tech or design!
You've heard of SEO, you might even know a little bit about it... BUT you have no clue how to implement SEO in your site.
You know you want to hire someone to build your website... BUT you don't want to spend a TON of Money and you want your site to be built right the first time!
You think that your systems should be talking to each other, that there has got to be a better way to do things...BUT tech just isn't your jam and you're not sure how to implement the things you want to!
You think that by having a website you're business is going to immediately start making money.
You don't understand the time and effort it takes to build a website, and you want a whole website built in less than a week for as little money as possible.
You're currently unsure of exactly what your business is and right now you're still trying out ideas, but nothing has really stuck.
What's Included...
Standard Website Package:
Website Setup: Connection to your custom domain, to Google Analytics and Google Search Counsel
Responsive design: optimized for both desktop and Mobile
Includes these pages: Home, About, Contact, Link in Bo, 2 Sales pages, 1 Summary of Offerings, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions.
SEO optimized: Every aspect of your website will be properly SEO optimized. From images, to copy, to metadata and everything in between.
90-Minute detailed review of your site once the build-out is complete. During the call, we will make edits and changes together so that way you feel comfortable working on your site moving forward if you want to! NO MORE feeling like you might break something!
30 Days of continued support for all the details related to your website!
$3,500 is the base rate, any additional pages will be an additional expense.
This is a savings of $2,500, compared to paying for each of these pages separately, then having to add in the SEO work for the entire site, plus the time it takes for the website set up and connection.
Don't NEED An Entire Website Yet?
I get it, maybe you're not ready for a full-blown website! Maybe you'd like to just get started with your first sales page, or even just a custom link-in-bio page. Smaller packages are available based on exactly what you need! I'd love to chat with you about what you think you'd like to start with and I'll work up an affordable proposal to get you started!

Jennifer Kirsch Nutrition & Fitness Coach

Hollie Nicholson Fitness Trainer

Tina Haupert Nutrition & Fitness Coach

Lisa Maximus Fitness Coach

Elise Tzurkov, Nutrition & Finess Coach
Cindy Sullivan Fitness Coach

Start with a website template and try to build your website on your own. But ask yourself this: How do you feel working with Canva or any other template:
Do you ever feel like they truly reflect you, your brand, and your business, or does it always just feel like a template?
Typically website templates lead to generic-looking sites... your webiste needs to stand out from the crowd!
You could hire a cheaper designer... but you already know "you get what you pay for"!
In many cases less expensive designers start with a template, they don’t understand SEO, and your website Isn’t going to be integrated with all the other aspects of your business. Your website will simply be a digital business card.
You could even try AI to create your website for you. But that’s no different than starting with a template and having someone write your copy for you. Your website will feel generic, It will not reflect your brand, and It will not reflect your voice or speak to your Ideal client.

When Does Billing Start?Billing starts immediately. If you sign up today your first charge will take place today and will happen on the same day every single month going forward. This means your monthly retainer starts immediately and I can’t wait to get started!
What if I need MORE than 3 hours of work each month?For some people, 3 hours just isn’t enough time. If you need me for more than the allotted 3 hours, any additional time will be billed at a discounted rate of $175 per hour, which is $50 off my hourly rate or at a 25% discount on a flat-rate project. Prior to going over the 3 hours in this retainer, I will gain your approval on the cost of the additional work, as well as the length of time it will take me to complete. Then any amount over the monthly retainer amount will be billed on the 25th of each month, to be paid within 72 hours of receipt of the invoice.
What if I don't use all 3 hours of work each month?I get it, some months you might have no projects for me, whereas other months you may have more! This is why I have created the rolling retainer fee! Any unused retainer fee will roll into the following month and build from month to month…Perfect for those coaches who launch quarterly and don’t need much help in between! However, if at the end of 3 months, you haven’t used all of your retainer hours, you will have the option of being refunded any unused retainer fees or if you know you have a big project coming up, you can choose to continue to roll your retainer fee into future months!
How is my time allocated on your schedule?Typically for non-retainer clients, I’m booked 4 weeks out. But as a retainer client, you take priority! Before the start of every month, you’ll get an email from me prompting your to-do list for the month. This will help enable me to work my schedule around your needs and agree to a deadline. But I get it things pop up and you might need some last-minute work. For any project that will take 1 hour or less, I guarantee it will be completed within 3 business days. For projects that will take between 1-4 hours, I guarantee they will be completed within 5 business days. For projects that will take between 4-8 hours, I guarantee they will be completed within 7 business days. And for projects that will take more than 8 hours a conversation will be needed to set expectations on turnaround time.
What happens after I sign up?Within minutes of signing up, you will receive an email from you. In this email, you will receive a copy of the terms and conditions for these retainer services. As well as a link to book your onboarding call! During this call, we will get started where you’re at! What you need right away and plan for the next several months!
How is time trackers? And what will be tracked?Once you become a retainer client I will begin tracking time spent on your projects and helping you. In an effort for complete transparency, I will share with you a document in which all current and pending projects will be tracked. In this document, I will include the name of the project and the estimated time to complete said project. In some cases we may choose to go with a flat rate for a project rather than time spent should that make sense and be more cost-effective. In this shared document I will also include tracking of our communication: emails, texts, phone calls, and voice notes. No, I’m not going to be a stickler and track quick text or voice notes with super simple questions. However, if we have a lot of super simple text, voice notes, and emails, I have the right to add up each of these each month to account for my time. Communication that takes more than 15 minutes of my time will be accounted for. You and I will have consistent communications and nothing on this tracking document should feel like a surprise. And if at any point in time you have a question about time being tracked I ask that you bring it to my attention immediately.
How do I terminate our contract?Things change, your business changes, life happens and with that means you may need to terminate our contract. I simply ask that you give me a 30-day. I’m also a small business like you, and these 30 days allow me to plan accordingly and wrap up any loose ends with your projects. Any party can terminate this contract, terms and conditions with a 30-day notice for any reason. A 30-day notice must be sent in writing via email.
Give me the fine print and details!No problem! Click here to review the terms and conditions associates with working with Create & Automate with Jenn. I'm positive everything will be to your agreement. However, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!
What are your current rates for individual projects?Click here to see my current rate sheet for all projects offered by Create & Automate with Jenn!